The financial aid year is from May 1, 2009 through April 30, 2010. It includes the Summer 09, Fall 09, and Spring 10 semesters. If you plan on attending classes during any of these semesters and want to apply for and receive Financial Aid during this time, please complete the steps below no later than Friday March 13, 2009
Step 1- Completing Your 2009-2010 FAFSAIn order to get started, you will need your FAFSA pin number from the Dept. of Education. If you do not have a pin number, you can request one at Once you have received your PIN, you can then complete your 2009-2010 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on line at
The school code is 021799 (it will list a Chicago address but please disregard).
*Please complete your 2008 tax returns prior to completing your 2009-2010 FAFSA. If you have not completed your tax returns, we do recommend completing them immediately in order to complete your new FAFSA.
Step 2- Completing Your 2009-2010 Institutional ApplicationComplete the attached Institutional application and fax it back to 770 407-1191. Please make sure to complete the entire form and check off all necessary boxes including:
· Educational plans
· Degree sought
· Box above your signature
Please complete the two steps above no later than Friday March 13, 2009. Please keep in mind that every student throughout the Argosy University system will be completing all new applications so the later you complete it, the longer it will delay the processing of your Financial Aid. The Summer 2009 semester begins on May 9, 2009.
Unfortunately, due to the extremely large quantity of information being received and processed during this time we will not be able to confirm receipt of information but you will be able to track your outstanding requirements as well as documents received through you student link at*Please note that no funds will be available for any classes taken after your Graduation date listed if it is prior to the end of this award year.Thank you and good luck in the upcoming award year,
Argosy University Atlanta Student Finance Department