Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Scholarship Information

Dear Students;

Argosy University is committed to assisting you in meeting the cost of your education. Please access the links below for outside scholarship opportunities. Millions of private scholarships are offered by private companies, clubs, civic groups, and other organizations. These awards amount to billions of dollars in scholarship funds to American students each year!

Criteria for private scholarships may be academic in nature, such as a certain GPA or ACT score, or they may be based on characteristics of you or your family. For example, you may be able to win a scholarship for being active or taking a leadership role in a club, choosing a certain major, or for participating in community service activities. You can find information about many of these private scholarships through free scholarship search websites such as these:

FastWeb (http://www.fastweb.com)
Careers and Colleges (http://www.careersandcolleges.com)
College Net (http://www.collegenet.com)
Scholarship Experts (http://www.scholarshipexperts.com)
Nelnet College Planning (http://www.collegeplanning.nelnet.net)
CollegeScholarships.org (http://www.collegescholarships.org)
You can also find great information about all types of financial aid, including private scholarships, on the Cash for College website.

Private Scholarship Links
The following links include a few of the many private scholarships awarded to students each year. We recommend that you also use the scholarship search websites listed above to identify additional awards for which you might be eligible.

Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation scholarships
Blade Your Ride Scholarship Program
Military Education Scholarship Program
Sallie Mae Fund Scholarships
Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Scholarships
Ronald McDonald House Charities Scholarship Program
Off to College Scholarship Sweepstakes
USA Funds Access to Education Scholarships

Scholarships for Graduate Students
State Farm Doctoral Dissertation Awards
Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Awards

Scholarships for Women

Jeanette Rankin Foundation Scholarship Program
Talbots Women’s Scholarship Fund

General Scholarship Info
· Beware of Scams! In your search for money for college, be careful to watch for people who just want your money. If someone asks you to pay for scholarship information, just say no! The information is available without charge through other sources or the above websites. Beware of any scholarship foundation requesting your bank information. If you are unsure about a foundation contact the Financial Aid department. (Most scholarships are disbursed to Argosy Directly, or by paper check via mail.)
· I Got One! Now What? If you receive a private scholarship and have questions, please bring a copy of your scholarship award letter and/or scholarship check to the Financial Aid Office. If you would like to mail or fax your award letter check to make sure your full name and your student number are on the letter, as well as any special instructions from you or the lender.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Campus Inclement Weather Alert

We have reached that time of the year in which we are faced with campus closings or delay in opening due to the weather.

Please listen to STAR 94 FM or tune into WXIA, 11 Alive in the event the National Weather Center issues a winter weather advisory for North Georgia. You may also call 770 671-1200 or 888 671-4777 and listen for the inclement weather prompt.

Dr. Bouie is asking that when it comes to your personal safety, use your own judgment; however when it comes to having to miss your scheduled class it is imperative that you contact your instructor to inform them of weather condition in your area.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Spring Registration Reminder

On the left under "Useful Websites" are some tools that will assist you with your registration process for Spring Semester.

Online registration will be open from Monday December 15 at 9am until Tuesday December 30 for your convenience.

The ADD/DROP form is also available in case you are unable to complete registration on your own. You may FAX the form to 770-407-1110. If you choose this method, please know confirmation of registration may be delayed.

Kim P. Ousley, Ed.S.
Director of Student Services

Children and Visitors on Campus

Argosy University Atlanta (AUA) takes great pride in the level of care, concern, and flexibility that we extend to our students. However, due to mounting concerns about the safety and health of your children and visitors; the following statement is official as of December 12, 2008 and supported by potential consequences set forth by Argosy University Code of Conduct, page 14 of the Argosy University Academic Catalog, 2008-2009.


“Children are not allowed on campus unless they are accompanied by an adult student conducting administrative business in Admissions, Financial Aid, and/or Student Services. Non-student visitors must be accompanied by an AUA student at all times. Students are responsible for the actions of their non-student visitors.”


This policy applies to students and their visitors. For the purpose of this policy, the term "children" refers to persons under the age of 18 who are accompanied by an adult student and are not otherwise enrolled as students at AUA. The term "non-student visitors" refers to persons aged 18 years or older who are not otherwise enrolled as students at AUA visiting or accompanying active AUA students.


1st violation - WARNING: Student will be warned, and documentation of the warning will be submitted to the Director of Student Services and kept on file.

2nd violation - REFERRAL: Student will be referred to the Student Conduct Committee for disciplinary action.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Finals Frenzy!!!

Finals Fuel (Snacks and Drinks)
Sponsored By SGA

Where: 4th Floor (Student Lounge)

When: December 9th, 10th, 16th, & 17th
8:30 am – 9:30am
5:30pm – 6:30pm

December 13th
8:30 am – 9:30am

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Forgot Your Username or Password?

If you have forgotton your Student Portal Username or Password, you may request to have it reset by the Registrar's Office. Just complete the Student Portal Username/Password Reset Form and fax it to 770-407-1110 or drop it off at the Student Services window on the 1st floor.

If you are resetting both your pin and password, the change could take up to 48 hrs. If you are resetting your username only, your username will be provided and you will need to re-create your password by clicking “Forgot Password” on the Student portal log-in page. The portal will then direct you to the next step on how to re-create your password. This will restore your access to the Student Portal immediately.
Questions? Please contact the Registrar's Office at 770-407-1197.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Refund Policies

The Georgia State Refund Policy applies to Georgia students who withdraw from the University according to the following schedule. Students dropping all courses in a semester are considered withdrawn for refund purposes.

If student withdraws from the institution:
On or before the first day of classes: 100%
After the first day of class but before the end of the first 5% of the term or instructional time :95%
Between the end of the first 5% and 10% of the term or instructional time: 90%
Between the end of the first 10% and 25% of the term or instructional time: 75%
Between the end of the first 25% and 50% of the term or instructional time: 50%
After the first 50% of the term or instructional time: 0%

Fees will be refunded according to the refund percentage. Tuition deposits are non-refundable for students that fail to matriculate in that program of study. Refunds are made within 30 days of the withdrawal date.

Students dropping a class, but remaining registered in the semester, must provide official notification to the Student Services Department via Student Link, by completing an Add/Drop Form (in-residence and distance courses), or via e-mail (online courses). Note: For weekend courses, the official start date is the first day of the semester. This may precede the on-campus component. Tuition credits will be applied to the student’s account according to the refund schedule below:

15 Week Courses

By noon of the second Friday after the start date – 100%
After noon of the second Friday after the start date – 0%

7 ½ Week Courses

By seventh calendar date of the session start – 100%
After the seventh date of the session start – 0%

Monday, November 17, 2008

Library Holiday Hours

The Argosy University Atlanta Library will be closed on November 27th and 28th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.

The Library will be open on November 29th and 30th from 8:00 - 5:00.

If you have any questions, you may contact the Circulation desk at 770-407-1033.

Student Government Association Meeting

The next General Body meeting of the Argosy University Student Government Association will be on Wednesday, November 19th at 4:30 PM in Room 239. All are welcome to attend!

Student Appreciation Days

Please join us for Student Appreciation on November 19 and 22. The theme is Safety Day. The Sandy Springs Fire and Police Departments, CINTAS, and Lakeside Commons Security will be available with information and tips on how to safeguard your physical person and identity against fraud and harm during the holiday season. Join us for pizza and Argosy give-a-ways on both days!

To accommodate our students, we hold these events once per term, so be sure to check the blog for a date and time that suits your schedule.

November 19th: 11:30 - 1:30 & 4:30 - 6:30

November 22nd: 11:00 - 1:30

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

CCC's Holiday Traditions Party

Cross Cultural Connections' annual Holiday Traditions Party will be held on Saturday, November 22nd at 5:30 PM in Room 120! This is a celebration that brings together different cultures to celebrate the holiday. Each person is asked to bring a dish representing his or her culture and is allowed to bring a guest. Come and enjoy food, fun, games and prizes!

Student Government Association

The next General Body Meeting of the Student Government Association will be held on Sunday, November 16th at 3:30 PM in Room 245. All are welcome to attend!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day

On this Veterans Day we would like to thank all of our servicemen and women for their service and sacrifice to our nation.

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
— Lt.-Col. John McCrae, (1872 - 1918)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Registration Updates

Hello Argosy University Students,

Once again, thank you so much for being patient with us as we continue to transition to Campus Vue.

As you know, we took Spring registration offline while we address some issues with the system. Don’t be concerned about your opportunity to register. You will be able to register as usual when the system goes back up without a late fee assessment. We will keep you posted.
Also, we are very aware of the student portal issues. We are working on that too. Please see the message below from the Online Service Coordinator:

“For students that cannot access eCollege because of issues with the student portal, please direct them to either of the two following links:
http://www.myeclassonline.com/ (need to choose "no" at the popup window)

Kim P. Ousley, Ed.S.
Director of Student Services

Friday, October 31, 2008

Meeting Announcement

Cross Cultural Connections

Next General Body Meeting

WHEN: Tuesday, November 11th at 4:30pm
Wednesday, November 12th at 4:30pm

WHERE: Student Lounge

Hope to see you there and bring a friend!

Spring Registration

Course registration for the Spring 2009 semester will begin on Monday, November 3rd. Please remember to register for classes in both the Spring I and Spring II terms. Click here for instructions on how to register online through the new Student Portal. If you have not set up your student portal account, you may view the slideshow below.

If you are unsure about what classes to take, please contact your academic advisor for assistance.

If you have any technological difficulties, you may contact the Registrar's Office at 770-407-1197.

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fall II Updates and Reminders

Dear Students,

Welcome back to our continuing students and welcome to our new students.

Proven Tools for Success - All of these tools will keep you informed and ready for academic success.

1. Your Argosy email! Forward it to your personal email account or check it at least once per week. We send all important communication to your Argosy email address only. Instructions are posted on the blog.

2. The Blog! You will find answers to most of your questions including the student services calendar, contact information, and the latest news or policies for our campus.

Education Students, see the NEW Education Department blog as well!

3. Your Student Handbook! Not only does it offer important information about our campus, but the calendar is super handy. download or pick one up in student services. http://www.argosy.edu/locations/atlanta/Default.aspx, click on student handbook on the left.

4. Your Academic Catalog! Take the time to read your program requirements. You will find it at http://www.argosy.edu/academics/, click on Academic Catalog on the right.

5. The Bulletin Boards throughout the campus! Take a glance, you will find important announcements and information updates posted on them. There is one in every classroom.

6. Your Student ID/Access Card! Most of you have experienced the added security measures. If you do not have a student ID/Access card, Security will request that you leave your driver's license in exchange for a temporary access card. Inconvenient? Absolutely! But those are the rules, so come to student services to replace or obtain your access card ASAP.

7. Your login and password! Gone are the days wherein we could reset your password in a few minutes. Assistance with login and password changes in Campus Vue can take up to 72 hours. Go to the blog, review the instructions, create your new account, and keep up with it. Congratulations to the 1800+ students who have created new Campus Vue Student Portal accounts! I'll send out a survey very soon to see what you think. See #2

8. Your Advisor! Who is your advisor? Have you consulted with them at least once? Check the faculty and staff contact document on the blog if you answer NO to one of these questions. See #2.

9. YOU! That's what it takes to take advantage of all of the above. Be proactive and stay informed.

Necessary Reminders - Be reminded that:

1. Our campus is NOT childproof. It is dangerous for your children to be left alone at anytime and in any area of the campus. Therefore, please do not bring them unless you have a short (15minutes or less) appointment AND you must keep them with you for the duration of that short visit.

2. Continuous enrollment is mandatory. See # 4 above.

3. Americans with Disabilities - Contact Jim Kivikoski at jkivikoski@argosy.edu. You should submit documentation to your professors before the end of week two of the term or semester.

4. Student Government Association (SGA)- Contact argosysga@yahoo.com

5. The Book Exchange Program sponsored by the Student Government Association (SGA) - See the blog at:

6. ALL flyers MUST be approved before posting by Ms. Charlene Krueger, Executive Assistant to the President located in Room# 108. Contact her at ckrueger@argosy.edu

7. Good way to contact:
Financial Aid - 770-407-1197
Registrar - 770-407-1198
IT - 770-407-1114
Anyone - 770-671-1200

Best way to contact:
Financial Aid - rtoscano@argosy.edu
Registrar - fgreene@argosy.edu
IT - auaitsupport@argosy.edu

8. REGISTRATION for Spring Semester opens November 3, 2008. Again, thank you for your patience.

9. EXTREME CAUTION!! DROPPING COURSES--You are required to contact and get the signature of your academic advisor and financial aid before completing the drop process. Not doing so may cause serious financial and academic complications.

Stay tuned for upcoming events and opportunities by checking the blog and your email.

We are growing, evolving, and changing so stay informed as we improve for you. Thank you for your patience and thank you for choosing Argosy University Atlanta.

Have a great academic experience!!!

Kim P. Ousley
Director of Student Services

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

School of Education Blog!

Attention Education Students!

The Argosy University Atlanta School of Education Blog is now available!


The blog is designed to give students a 24 hour/day resource regarding important updates, documents, and information.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Student Portal Login Instructions

Argosy University's new Student Portal has been activated. For detailed set up instructions, please view the slideshow below!

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services

Friday, October 10, 2008

Textbook Exchange Program

The Argosy University Student Government Association has established a Textbook Exchange Program for students through Yahoo! Groups. This is a great new way for students to buy and sell textbooks with their classmates. If you would like to subscribe, just click the link below. For more information, please email your Student Government Representatives at argosysga@yahoo.com.

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services

New Student Portal

The new Student Portal for Argosy University has been activated!

In order to view your personalized webpage, you will need to set up a new student account. Just follow these steps:

2) Click on this link: New student? Click here to create a new account.
3) Follow the prompts to create your new Username and Password.

Please let us know if you have any trouble setting up your account and enjoy using your new Student Portal!

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services

Friday, September 26, 2008

Student Finance Office Hours

The Student Finance/Financial Aid office will be closing at 3pm starting Monday, September 29th 2008 through Wednesday, October 1st, 2008 for training. If you need immediate assistance, please contact our office before 3pm at 770-407-1198.
You may leave a message or send an email after hours as we will be checking messages during business hours. Please give us until Friday, October 3rd, 2008 to have your call or email returned.
We will resume our regular business hours on Thursday, October 2nd, 2008.
Your cooperation during this time is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
The Student Finance Team

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lakeside Commons Blood Drive

Blood supplies continue to drop!!

The American Red Cross’s blood supply remains critically low and the Southern Region has been forced to import blood from other regions to maintain an adequate supply in the Metro Atlanta area. During summer month, donations decline drastically as many of our regular donors are away on vacation and many deferred as a result.
You can make a difference! Please join us for the

Lakeside Commons
Monday, September 15, 2008

10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Building Two, Suite 670

To schedule your lifesaving appointment, email the Argosy Student Govenment Association at argosysga@yahoo.com or sign up in the Student Lounge on the 4th Floor.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Welcome to Fall 2008!


  • Online and blended students MUST login at LEAST once per week.
  • Students enrolled in residential courses must attend all class meetings.
  • Student ID/Access Cards are required to access the building and campus after hours and on weekends.
  • Check the blog for your classroom schedule and other updates.
  • Check your Argosy University Email.

Look For:

  • The Argosy University Scholarship announcement on September 19th via email!
  • Graduate Celebration Day, September 20th from 11am to 3pm and 24th, 4pm-7pm, Room 247
  • Student Appreciation (time and location TBA), September 23rd and 27th


Writing Lab Update

The Writing Lab's schedule for Fall I 2008 has been updated and posted in the Useful Websites section of this blog. Below is some more information about what the writing lab can do for you!

Writing Lab Room 109
“Come to learn—Plan to return.”

· What is the Writing Lab?

Help with APA format, including citations and references
Help with organization, style, clarity, and grammar

· Will the Lab proofread my paper and fix all of my errors?

No. The Lab will teach you how to fix your own written assignment.
Except for Comps, the Lab is not allowed to give last-minute help.
Allow enough time for more than one Lab visit.

· Do I need to make an appointment?

No. A Lab associate will give you one-on-one help for about 45 minutes.
No new papers accepted within 5 days of due date (except Comps).

Research support: Clara Williams, M.L.S. crwilliams@argosy.edu
Dissertation editor: Brenda Young, Ph.D. bjyoung@argosy.edu
Lab Coordinator: Donald Gregg, M.A., LAPC dgregg@argosy.edu

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Refund Policy - Argosy University Atlanta

The Georgia State Refund Policy applies to Georgia students who withdraw from the University according to the following schedule. Students dropping all courses in a semester are considered withdrawn for refund purposes.

If student withdraws from the institution: Refund Percentage
On or before the first day of classes 100%
After the first day of class but before the end of the first 5% of the term or instructional time 95%
Between the end of the first 5% and 10% of the term or instructional time 90%
Between the end of the first 10% and 25% of the term or instructional time 75%
Between the end of the first 25% and 50% of the term or instructional time 50%
After the first 50% of the term or instructional time 0%
Fees will be refunded according to the refund percentage. Tuition deposits are non-refundable for students that fail to matriculate in that program of study. Refunds are made within 30 days of the withdrawal date.

Students dropping a class, but remaining registered in the semester, must provide official notification to the Student Services Department via Student Link, by completing an Add/Drop Form (in-residence and distance courses), or via e-mail (online courses).Note: For weekend courses, the official start date may precede the on-campus component. Tuition credits will be applied to the student’s account according to the refund schedule below:

15-Week Courses 7.5-Week Courses
By noon of the second Friday after the session start date 100% By seventh calendar day of the session start date 100%
After noon of the second Friday after the session start date 0% After the seventh calendar day of the session start date 0%

How will you get your tickets for commencement?

Attend one of the Graduate Celebration Days for the October 17, 2008 commencement:

Saturday, September 20, 2008, 11AM to 3 PM
Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 4PM to 7PM
Saturday, October 4, 2008, 11AM to 3PM

See the graduation packet 2008 for more information about these dates.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fall 2008 Financial Aid Refund Information

Students will begin receiving disbursements for the Fall 2008 the week of September 8, 2008 and we will process disbursements everyday (except Fridays) through October 3,2008 or until all completed files have been processed.

Please allow until Friday October 3, 2008 for processing and disbursing.

Please keep in mind that even if your lender says it has disbursed and it does not appear on the student link then we have not processed it yet.

At the start of a semester, there is no way to know ahead of time what specific day your disbursement will come in, therefore please check your “Account Summary By Term” on your student link daily.

As soon as the money is received by the school, you will be able to see this information by following the steps below:

  • Go to https://banner.argosy.edu and click on “Enter Secure Area”
  • Login using your “User ID” and “Pin”
  • Once you have logged in, click on “Student Services and Financial Aid"
  • Click on “student records”
  • Click on “account summary by term "

Once the school receives the student’s disbursement, your account will show one of 3 options below:

A Negative Balance- This means that the school received the disbursement, tuition has been paid and the Negative dollar amount is what will be refunded to you. The reason that it is Negative is because the money was just received and the refund has not yet been sent out. Once the refund is processed the account will read one of the following below. It may appear negative for up to 10 business days.

Direct Deposit- This means you have set up your direct deposit information and therefore your refund will be directly deposited into your checking account. Please keep in mind that it takes approximately 3-5 business days from the time a disbursement is received by Argosy before it will post to a checking account.

ATL Refund – This means that a paper refund check will be mailed to you from our Chicago office. Please keep in mind that it takes approximately 2 weeks from the time your disbursement is received by Argosy for you to receive your refund check.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Student Access/ID Card Reminder
The deadline for requiring access/student ID cards has been extended until August 25TH. Please take advantage of the extra days by coming to student services to get yours. See the previous blog on student access/ID cards.

When Will Grades Be Posted?
Grades are due 8 days after the end of the term. For summer 2, they are due August 25TH. If you do not see your grade posted on Student Link by August 26TH, please contact your professor.

Graduation Updates
The deadline to petition to graduate (participate in commencement) was August 1st. If you are not sure about your petition's status, contact me via email by 4pm tomorrow. Please continue to check the blog for updates (if necessary) about commencement.

Preparing for a Successful Fall Semester
Get prepared by:
  • Obtaining your syllabus
  • Reviewing your class schedule
  • Ordering your textbooks

If you are registered, you will be able to log into your class on August 26TH. Look for the email from e-College with your log in information on that day.

All classes start on September 2ND, so be sure to log in at least once per week to check for assignments and other information from your professor. NOTE: If you class is blended, you are still REQUIRED to log in, otherwise you may be dropped for non-attendance. If you do not receive your log in information email, please let me know.

If you are not registered for the Fall 2 term, please do so at your earliest convenience. Please let me know if you need assistance.

Kim P. Ousley

Director of Student Services

Student Link Update

Attention Students: The Argosy University Student Link may once again be accessed by clicking on "Student Link" at the top of the Argosy University Website (http://www.argosy.edu/).

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

FedEx On-Campus Recruitment!

On-Site Campus Recruitment
When: August 27, 2008
Time: 11:00am until 1:00pm
Where: Room 245
Opportunities: Part Time Positions

“Come and speak with a campus recruiter regarding careers and opportunities at the FedEx Corporation”.

For additional information contact:

Angela Johnson
Argosy University Atlanta Career Services


Monday, August 11, 2008

ADA Accommodations

If you are a student with a documented learning or physical disability in need of accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or if you need to renew your accommodations for the next academic year, please contact Jim Kivikoski as soon as possible. Jim may be reached at 770-407-1010 or at jkivikoski@argosy.edu.

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services

Friday, August 8, 2008

UPDATE - Commencement!

Graduates should receive information pertaining to Fall Commencement via snail mail and email in the next two weeks or sooner. If you do not receive any information by August 18th, please let me know ASAP kousley@argosy.edu.

CORRECTION: Extra tickets will not be available! Students will receive eight (8) tickets for friends and family. We strongly encourage you to use the blogspot to communicate with other Argosy Atlanta students about the likelihood of obtaining tickets that they may not use.

I look forward to seeing you on October 17th!!

Kim P. Ousley
Director of Student Services

Monday, July 28, 2008

Petition to Graduate Forms Due August 1st!

Please remember that you must submit a Petition to Graduate form by Friday, August 1st by 5pm. The fee is $100 and the forms are available at gspp.edu or in the student services area.

Commencement will be held at the Georgia International Convention Center in College Park on October 17th at 1pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

Kim P. Ousley
Director of Student Services

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Library Workshop

The library staff will be hosting a Library Workshop open to all students this Friday, July 25th from 5:00 - 6:00 PM. The workshop will be held in the 2nd floor computer lab.

At the workshop you will learn how to:
  • Find and get peer reviewed journal articles
  • Locate and order books from any library through inter-library loan
  • Find Dissertations online
  • Create your own file cabinet to store articles and citations to articles with RefWorks
  • Use RefWorks for automatic APA reference list

Spend a little time in a Library Workshop and save a lot of time on your research!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

HLC Accreditation Report

From Dr. Murray Bradfield, Vice President for Academic Affairs:

Dear Students:

I am very pleased to announce that we have received formal notification from the President of the Higher Learning Commission that the Commission Board of Trustees validated the actions of its Institutional Action Committee, Readers Panel and Visiting Team on July 3, 2008. Those actions concluded that Argosy University continues its regional accreditation for seven (7) years until 2014-2015. This is a remarkable achievement by the campuses, all members of the university community, and most especially by the Comprehensive Visit Steering Committee.

On behalf of the Executive Committee, faculty, and staff from the Argosy Atlanta campus, I want to thank you, the students, for your cooperation and assistance with the preparations on our campus. It was a complex and demanding process that was ably led and demonstrated our expertise in programmatic disciplines and deep commitment to students.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Argosy Student ID Card

A student left this question in the comments section of a previous post:

"Please give us information about the new policies for using our student ID to get into the building and also maybe to access the elevators. As a weekend student, I may not get to campus very often so I would like to know about the current status of our ID badges."

Here is the answer...

For your personal safety, students are required to carry their Argosy University Student ID Cards with them at all times while on campus. Your ID Card allows you 24 hour access to the building, grants you access to the computer labs, and allows you to check out books from the library. It is also a way for us to easily identify the individuals who belong on campus and those who do not.

If you arrive on campus after 6:30 PM on weekdays or at any time over the weekend, you will need to use your Student ID to enter the building. You will also be asked to show your ID to the building security officers stationed in the front lobby. Please have your ID Card ready and available for them. If you do not have your ID, you will be asked to sign in. When you leave the building, you will again be asked to show your ID or sign out.

If you have not yet received your ID Card, please complete the ID Card Request Form located on the right hand side of this page and bring it to the Student Services window on the first floor. If you have lost your ID card, you must have a replacement made. The replacement fee is $10.

If you have any questions on this, or any other Argosy University policy or procedure, please post your question to the comments section. We will try to address as many as we can in future posts.

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

School of Education Town Hall Meeting

The Education Department and Student Services invite you to attend one of the town hall meetings planned for next week. Student services, financial aid, and the registrar will be available with some reminders and new information.  

But more importantly, you’ll be able to get most if not all of your program specific questions answered and receive department updates from the program chair, Dr. Marion Anders

We don’t plan to speak to you long because we want to hear from you. Therefore the majority of the time set aside will be your time. So RSVP at the link below. We really look forward to seeing you there.   

Please follow the link below and click on the date you plan to attend.  You may also leave a question in the comment section and we will try to answer it at the meeting.


The link will close at 9am on Monday, July 21st

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fall Registration Reminder

If you have not yet registered for your Fall I and Fall II courses it is important that you do so right away. Many classes are already full and others have only a few seats remaining. If you wait too much longer, you won't be able to take all the classes you need! 

Online registration is available through the Student Link. If you have any questions regarding what classes you should take, you may contact your Academic Advisor.

Can't access the Student Link? Contact Student Services for assistance. 

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services

New Writing Lab Open for Business!

The Writing Lab has moved from the 4th Floor to Room 109! The new lab offers a larger space and additional resources to better support our students. See below for more information!

Summary of Academic Writing Lab Resources

The writing lab offers 30 three-hour labs each seven-and-a half-week term on weekends and on some weeknights. These are non-appointment, one-on-one sessions. Individual sessions last about 45 minutes. The lab schedule is posted in the library, on bulletin boards, and in room 109. 

The writing lab encourages students to attend scheduled lab sessions in room 109. Alternatively, students may submit MS Word documents as attachments and receive a critique by e-mail, usually within 48 hours.

The writing lab will not accept new papers within 5 days of the due date. Our motto: “Come to learn—Plan to return.”

Writing lab assistants help students with:

·      APA format, citations, and reference-list entries

·      Grammar, punctuation, and academic style

·      Organization, length of sentences, paragraph formation, sense, clarity, and flow

·      Plagiarism

Lab assistants are not permitted to edit, proofread, or rewrite any parts of a student paper. The work students turn in must be their own. By pointing out examples of errors and providing appropriate models, the lab teaches students how to find and correct similar errors.

For more information contact:

Research support: Clara Williams, M.L.S.: crwilliams@argosy.edu

Dissertation editor: Brenda Young, Ph.D.: bjyoung@argosy.edu

Lab Coordinator: Donald Gregg, M.A., LAPC: dgregg@argosy.edu

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to the Argosy University Atlanta Department of Student Services Blog! This is a new and exciting way for us to communicate with our campus community. We will use this blog to give you the information you need to know in order to be a successful student. Please feel free to leave a comment; perhaps your question will become a topic of a future post. 

Bookmark this page and be sure to check back often to find out what is going on at AUA!

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services