Dear Students,
Welcome back to our continuing students and welcome to our new students.
Proven Tools for Success - All of these tools will keep you informed and ready for academic success.
1. Your Argosy email! Forward it to your personal email account or check it at least once per week. We send all important communication to your Argosy email address only. Instructions are posted on the blog.
2. The Blog! You will find answers to most of your questions including the student services calendar, contact information, and the latest news or policies for our campus.
Education Students, see the NEW Education Department blog as well!
Your Student Handbook! Not only does it offer important information about our campus, but the calendar is super handy. download or pick one up in student services., click on student handbook on the left.
Your Academic Catalog! Take the time to read your program requirements. You will find it at, click on Academic Catalog on the right.
The Bulletin Boards throughout the campus! Take a glance, you will find important announcements and information updates posted on them. There is one in every classroom.
Your Student ID/Access Card! Most of you have experienced the added security measures. If you do not have a student ID/Access card, Security will request that you leave your driver's license in exchange for a temporary access card. Inconvenient? Absolutely! But those are the rules, so come to student services to replace or obtain your access card ASAP.
Your login and password! Gone are the days wherein we could reset your password in a few minutes. Assistance with login and password changes in Campus Vue can take up to 72 hours. Go to the blog, review the instructions, create your new account, and keep up with it. Congratulations to the 1800+ students who have created new Campus Vue Student Portal accounts! I'll send out a survey very soon to see what you think. See #2
Your Advisor! Who is your advisor? Have you consulted with them at least once? Check the faculty and staff contact document on the blog if you answer NO to one of these questions. See #2.
YOU! That's what it takes to take advantage of all of the above. Be proactive and stay informed.
Necessary Reminders - Be reminded that:
1. Our campus is NOT childproof. It is dangerous for your children to be left alone at anytime and in any area of the campus. Therefore, please do not bring them unless you have a short (15minutes or less) appointment AND you must keep them with you for the duration of that short visit.
2. Continuous enrollment is mandatory. See # 4 above.
3. Americans with Disabilities - Contact Jim Kivikoski at You should submit documentation to your professors before the end of week two of the term or semester.
4. Student Government Association (SGA)- Contact
argosysga@yahoo.com5. The Book Exchange Program sponsored by the Student Government Association (SGA) - See the blog at: ALL flyers MUST be approved before posting by Ms. Charlene Krueger, Executive Assistant to the President located in Room# 108. Contact her at
ckrueger@argosy.edu7. Good way to contact:
Financial Aid - 770-407-1197
Registrar - 770-407-1198
IT - 770-407-1114
Anyone - 770-671-1200
Best way to contact:
Financial Aid -
rtoscano@argosy.eduRegistrar -
fgreene@argosy.eduIT -
auaitsupport@argosy.edu8. REGISTRATION for Spring Semester opens November 3, 2008. Again, thank you for your patience.
9. EXTREME CAUTION!! DROPPING COURSES--You are required to contact and get the signature of your academic advisor and financial aid before completing the drop process. Not doing so may cause serious financial and academic complications.
Stay tuned for upcoming events and opportunities by checking the blog and your email.
We are growing, evolving, and changing so stay informed as we improve for you. Thank you for your patience and thank you for choosing Argosy University Atlanta.
Have a great academic experience!!!
Kim P. Ousley
Director of Student Services