Monday, February 22, 2010

Children and Visitors on Campus Policy

Argosy University Atlanta (AUA) takes great pride in the level of care, concern, and flexibility that we extend to our students. However, due to mounting concerns about the safety and health of your children and visitors; the following is the official policy as of December 12, 2008 and supported by potential consequences set forth by Argosy University Code of Conduct, page 26 of the Argosy University Academic Catalog, 2009-2010.


“Children are not allowed on campus unless they are accompanied by an adult student conducting administrative business in Admissions, Financial Aid, and/or Student Services. Non-student visitors must be accompanied by an AUA student at all times. Students are responsible for the actions of their non-student visitors.”

This policy applies to students and their visitors. For the purpose of this policy, the term "children" refers to persons under the age of 18 who are accompanied by an adult student and are not otherwise enrolled as students at AUA. The term "non-student visitors" refers to persons aged 18 years or older who are not otherwise enrolled as students at AUA visiting or accompanying active AUA students.


1st violation - WARNING: Student will be warned, and documentation of the warning will be submitted to the Director of Student Services and kept on file.

2nd violation - REFERRAL: Student will be referred to the Student Conduct Committee for disciplinary action.

Student Technical Support Frequently Asked Questions

These FAQs are designed to answers questions you may have about the Student Technical Support Service available to Argosy University students.

Why are you now expanding technical assistance by phone or email?

We are expanding technical support services to better assist students as they pursue their Argosy University education. Now, you need only one number 1-866-4ARGOSY (1-866-427-4679) to reach personalized assistance with your technical questions. This is just a part of our overall commitment to student success.

What hours are these services available?

Live support assistance will be available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week through 1-866-4ARGOSY email for additional assistance

What information will I need when I call for technical assistance?

When you call 1-866-4ARGOSY, you will be asked to verify your status as a student. Please have your student ID or social security number available, and the associate will be able to quickly begin assisting you with your questions.

What technical assistance would I typically be able to get?

Technical support can assist you with many issues, including:

· eCollege technical issues including access and functionality
· Student Portal technical issues including access and functionality
· Student Gmail assistance and navigation
· Argosy Digital Bookshelf and e-text set up and navigation
· MyLab support and navigation
· General computer issues where items are not loading or displaying correctly due to cookies or cache needing to be cleared, browser issues, security settings, etc.

Can I ask questions about financial aid or other non-technical issues by dialing 1-866-4ARGOSY?

This service supports technical issues and is not able to answer questions regarding financial aid, academic issues, or course assignment assistance. Please contact your campus student services department for assistance with these non-technical issues.

Financial Fitness - Student Appreciation Days

Please join us for the Spring Semester Student Appreciation.

We will have financial. Experts available, a meal consisting of great sandwiches from Jersey Mike's, and a new Argosy University give-a-way.

Our President, Dr. Ronald Swanson, will also stop by to greet you. The dates and times follow:

February 22, Monday-11:30am to 1:30pm

Monday-4:30pm to 6:30pm

February 25, Thursday-11:30am to 1:30pm

Thursday-4:30pm to 6:30pm

February 27, Saturday-11:30am to 1:30pm

We look forward to seeing you!
Kim P. Ousley
Director of Student Services

Friday, February 19, 2010

Preferred Hotel Listing

Dear Students:

Argosy University Atlanta has partnered with several local hotels willing to offer great discounts to our students. In order to take advantage of these discounted rates, you must identify yourself as an Argosy University student when booking your room. The rates are valid until December 31, 2010.

If you have any questions, please contact Charlene Krueger at 770-407-1001 or

Click here to view the complete list of Preferred Hotels!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Noel Levitz Student Satisfation Survey

Dear Students:

Your opinions matter to us! We are inviting you to complete a short survey about your experiences at Argosy University.

Your feedback will provide Argosy with insights about the aspects of your experience which are most important to you as well as how satisfied you are with them. Your responses will help the leadership determine what is working and what is not working at the Argosy-Atlanta Campus.

This survey will be available for online completion. Be sure to check your student email in the coming days for your invitation and unique passcode.

The survey is available for a limited time. Please complete the survey by no later than Monday, March 15, 2010. It must be completed in one sitting and should take you no longer than 20 minutes. Your responses will be kept confidential.

Thank you in advance for completing this important survey.

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services

Introducing Dr. Ronald Swanson, Campus President

Dear Argosy University, Atlanta Students:

Argosy University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Ronald Swanson as the new President of the Atlanta campus.

Dr. Swanson brings extensive experience in public and private higher education, serving most recently as the President of Beckfield College. In addition to holding a number of senior-level positions in higher education, Dr. Swanson has served as an officer in the United States Marine Corps and the Naval Reserve Construction Force retiring after 33 years of service. He also returns to Georgia having been part of the Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education and the Georgia Department of Education for a number of years. Dr. Swanson holds a D.Ed. in Education from The Pennsylvania State University, and a BS and M.S. in Education from the University of Wisconsin.

Please join us during Student Appreciation Week in welcoming Dr. Swanson to Argosy University and the Atlanta Campus February 22nd, 25th or 27th.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Michael Falotico for his service as Acting President in Atlanta for the past five months. We appreciate his help in leading the campus while also performing his University-level duties as Vice President of Academic Operations and Student Services.

The Administration of Argosy University, Atlanta

Monday, February 15, 2010

Summer 2010 Registration

Web registration for the Summer 2010 Semester will open Tuesday, February 16, 2010. To ensure availability of the courses you need, please register for all sessions on the Web; this includes the full 15 week session, the first 7 1/2 week session, and the second 7 1/2 week session. Online Registration is open 8 a.m. February 16, 2010, to 11:59 pm April 26, 2010.

Please click here for more information!

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Presidents' Day

Argosy University Atlanta will be closed on Friday, February 12, 2010 in observance of Presidents' Day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Used Shoe Drive for Haiti

Lakeside Commons is sponsoring a Used Shoe Drive to benefit the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. If you would like to participate in this effort, please bring a pair of gently used and wearable shoes or sneakers the next time you come to class. High heels, slippers and boots will not be accepted.

You may drop off your donation in the lobby anytime between now and February 20th. Please click here for more information!


The May 14, 2010 commencement ceremony has been RESCHEDULED. Our new commencement date is:

Friday, December 3, 2010
Georgia International Convention Center
College Park, Georgia
Click HERE for the Petition to Graduate Form

Friday, February 5, 2010

An Important Message for Students Receiving Tuition Assistance Through the Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant

The Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant currently provides up to $1,000 in tuition assistance per year for Full Time Undergraduate Georgia students who attend private colleges and universities within the state. This is a very important part of the financial aid package for all of you who receive this aid.

However, in his state budget proposal for FY 2011 (2010-11 academic year), Governor Sonny Perdue is recommending complete elimination of the Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant or GTEG! This will directly impact you if you receive the GTEG.

The governor’s budget is now with the Georgia legislature for consideration. It is very important that you let your state senator and state representative know that you want the Tuition Equalization Grant to stay in the state budget for next year!

Here’s what to do:
1. To determine who your hometown legislators are, go to
2. Call your senator and representative right away. Calls have more impact than letters or email. If you can’t call, a letter is better than an email.
3. When you call, it’s OK to speak to someone in the senator or representative’s office if the senator or representative is not available.
4. Here are some ideas for what to say when you call:
a. Ask your senator and representative to work to preserve funding for the Tuition Equalization Grant for next academic year.
b. Tell them that you depend on the TEG to help you afford college.
c. State how important the TEG award is in helping the you afford college and avoid debt AND in helping you attend the college that best suits your academic and learning needs.
d. Tell them about any financial hardships that require the need for tuition assistance such as the TEG.
e. Emphasize that students expect to get the TEG for all your college years; it is not fair for the state to take away the grant in the middle of your college career.

Your senator and representative will listen when you contact them. You are very important to them as residents of their districts. It’s important that they hear from you right away.

Thank for your help in bringing this important issue to the attention of the legislature!


Argosy University Atlanta

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Argosy University Technical Support

Dear Students:

Argosy University Technical Support is now available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 1-866-4ARGOSY (1-866-427-4679). You may also contact technical support services via email at and a representative will respond within 24-48 hours.

This service is available to help with technology issues such as –Student Portal password resets, eCollege resets, simple computer issues, Gmail assistance and help with the Digital Bookshelf. This service will not assist you with financial aid or academics concerns. Please contact the appropriate campus representative for assistance with such issues.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services

Monday, February 1, 2010

MARTA Bus Stop

Dear Students:

Due to the ongoing Hammond Drive/GA 400 Construction Project, the GDOT has removed the MARTA bus stop located at the entrance to the Lakeside Commons Complex. Due to safety concerns, this stop will not be relocated. At this time, the closest bus stop is located in front of the Publix shopping center and Wachovia Bank.

We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause. We will continue to communicate any updates and new information as it becomes available.

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this announcement.

Jim Kivikoski
Assistant Director of Student Services